À espera de melhores notícias, [Hoping/Waiting for better news], 2022
150 x 40 x 20 cm
Fishing line, wire, plastic line and sewing line on steel structure

Até que voltem, [Until they return], 2022
Variable dimensions
Mix media on paper

Exhibition Jardim de cera, 2023
These works were developed during the residency, air_Cachopo in Cachopo, Algarve, May 2022, with the artists: Ana Vala, Giulia Frascino, Joana Aparicio Tejo, José Sottomayor, Mónica Coelho and Rafael Raposo Pires.
I started by noticing this quiosque near our studio. I care about the structures that were once used for selling newspapers and magazines, and now remain empty. Sign of a place that has been loosing its population in recent years, but once was the main town of Serra do Caldeirão.
In between the quiosque and our studio there was a weaving museum. So I weave different lines on one of the structures, later made drawings of the result, since I was not allowed to bring the structure with me.
A year later, the group showed the work done during the residency in the exhibition Jardim de cera at Galeria Diferença in Lisbon. Where I present the group of drawings and a new piece, a box made with the line previously used on the structure.